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2010年我国首家投资人付费评级机构——中债资信成立,由于我国投资人付费评级机构成立时间不长,目前国内鲜有研究投资人付费与发行人付费评级差异及产生原因的文献,并且国外相关文献主要关注评级方式对某一类债券评级结果的影响,而没有探讨两种评级方式对不同类型债券的影响之间是否存在差别。本文针对投资人付费与发行人付费评级之间的差异,基于声誉效应、竞争机制对发行人付费评级机构迎合选择进行了博弈分析,并分别以信贷资产支持证券和企业债主体的评级数据为样本,对评级差异及其产生原因进行了实证检验。研究结果表明:投资人付费评级结果显著低于发行人付费评级结果;不同付费模式下评级结果的差异受到是否为首次评级和发行人付费评级机构市场份额的影响,发行人付费评级机构对发行人的迎合是产生评级差异的主要原因;两种付费评级方式在企业债主体中的评级差异显著高于在信贷资产支持证券中的评级差异,表明付费评级方式对企业债主体的影响更大。本文较为全面地研究了我国投资人付费与发行付费评级之间的差异,使投资人、监管机构对不同付费模式下的评级结果有更加清晰的认识。  相似文献   
本文简介了攀钢顾问华罗庚教授亲自指导完成的攀枝花钒钛资源综合利用中的国家重大攻关项目成果,以“国家科技进步一等奖”中的典型大数据分析案例为例,来论述华罗庚教授所创建的管理科学理论对钢铁工业大数据分析、智能优化算法和工艺智能制造上的指导作用。通过对具体案例和算法的介绍,能够帮助我们更深刻地理解华罗庚管理科学36字方针的丰富内涵。特别是在今天数字经济时代,如何应用华罗庚管理科学理论指导工业生产线智能制造技术的研发,具有普遍的指导意义。  相似文献   
Past work on exchange relationships has debated the efficacy of partnership versus arm's‐length governance on performance of a buyer–supplier relationship. However, how these governance approaches leverage key supplier specific relationship characteristics has not been examined. In this study, we examine the moderating role of governance choice (arm's‐length versus partnership governance) in leveraging key supplier specific characteristics to achieve superior performance for the buyer in a relationship. Specifically, drawing from residual rights theory, we argue that the governance choice buyers make moderates the impact of supplier flexibility, supplier human capital and relationship dependency on performance. Our findings suggest that, for a buyer, the benefits of supplier flexibility and relationship dependency are better realized in partnership governance as opposed to arm's‐length governance. Further, our findings suggest that although buyers choose a specific governance approach consistent with their outsourcing motivation, the choice of governance is critical to leveraging the impact of supplier characteristics due to the moderation effects studied. We elaborate on these effects and discuss the implications of our findings.  相似文献   
治理弱化与财务危机:一个预测模型   总被引:54,自引:1,他引:53  
本文首先讨论了治理弱化与财务危机的辨证关系;然后在分析13个变量的基础上,运用Logistic回归给出了判别上市公司财务危机的一个模型。这一模型包括四个变量:毛利率、其它应收款与总资产的比率、短期借款与总资产的比率、股权集中系数。其中,股权集中系数是公司治理结构的直接表征,也是本文模型异于其他预测模型的首要区别。本文模型的回判准确率为84.52%,而对2000年新增加的“ST”公司的判别准确率则达到了95.45%。  相似文献   
上市公司进入高科技行业绩效的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文针对沪、深两市传统行业上市公司纷纷涉足高科技行业的情况,对上市公司进入高科技行业前后的绩效进行了实证分析。本文采用以财务指标为基础的因子分析方法来综合评价进入高科技行业上市公司业绩的变动。分析结果表明:上市公司进入高科技行业后整体业绩有一定的提高;通过不同途径进入高科技行业,上市公司的业绩变动之间存在显著差异;涉足不同的高科技行业,上市公司的业绩变动之间不存在显著差异。  相似文献   
评价利率期权的远期与即期模型的比较分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对支持利率风险管理的利率期权评价模型进行比较分析 .采用了有关市场的数据来检验7个具有单因素与双因素的即期利率与远期利率模型 ,由此得到一个单因子远期利率模型与两个双因子模型 ,即期利率模型与其它 4个模型之间并无明显的区别  相似文献   
基于现代国际贸易理论与中国经济体制改革的基本特点 ,分析了影响中国出口增长的基本因素 ,探讨基本因素的量化方法 ;首次根据理性微观经济主体的效应最大化原理 ,建立了一个包括国外实际收入、实际有效汇率、市场化进程和技术进步的四变量中国出口增长模型  相似文献   
服务企业的国际化战略   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文分析了打算进入国际市场的服务企业所面临的主要挑战,然后提出了服务企业国际化的五种相互并不完全排斥的战略。它们是:直接出口服务,即最适合于面向产业市场的维修和保养服务;系统出口,指由两家或多家提供互补性解决方案的企业开展的合作出口;直接进入模式,指服务企业在国外市场直接建立子公司;间接进入模式,适用于那些不愿意直接在国外设立拥有全部或部分所有权的子公司的服务企业,通常通过授权协议或特许经营方式由当地企业提供服务;电子营销,这种方式使企业不必局限于某一特定市场。  相似文献   
Recently revised theoretical explanations of the internationalization process have been offered to specifically account for the propensity of Emerging Market Multinationals (EMNEs) to engage in accelerated internationalization. However, this literature stream has yet to consider how the fundamental institutional transitions occurring in emerging markets promote the individual and organizational level global mindset that helps account for this accelerated, proactive international expansion. Our dynamic multi-level conceptual framework examines the influences of both the home country institutions and intra-organizational mindsets on the development of EMNE outward FDI decision making. This framework contributes to extant literature by integrating conceptualizations of national culture with the informal and formal institutions offered by institutional theory, while examining how fundamental shifts in these influence the intra-organizational context. Furthermore, our conceptual framework adopts a multi-level perspective of global mindset as an antecedent of firm decision making and adds to the global mindset literature by arguing that institutional transition is a macro level antecedent of global mindset.  相似文献   
In this study, we address control policies to manage the collection of products that have been returned by consumers to retailers after they have been sold. Specifically, we model a consumer returns process where the operational decision of interest is the frequency in which returns are picked up from a collection point and then processed at a centralized location. Returns decay in value over time according to their industry clockspeed. Hence there is an intrinsic tradeoff in the decision – a longer interval between collections not only reduces transportation cost, but also reduces the value of asset recovery.We analyze a stylized model with a single collection point and a centralized returns processing center. Given an asset decay rate and a fixed transportation cost we determine the optimal collection interval. We later expand the analysis to the case of a capacitated returns processing center. We also explore the value of information (number of returns held at the collection point) sharing between a collection point and the central processing facility. We find that the voi is quite sensitive to parametric settings ranging upwards to over 20% with a median value of 5.0%. We find that the voi increases with respect to the asset value decay rate and the rate of returns, while it decreases with respect to the shipping cost.  相似文献   
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